7 Judging Panels

7 Judging Panels

7.1 Number of Judges 

When "call back" is being used there may be an odd or even number of judges. However, there still needs to be a reasonable number of judges.

For finals there will be an odd number of judges including a Chief Judge so that a majority decision can be reached. For example, with 7 judges, 4 would be a majority decision. The judges will all be highly experienced dancers. The Chief Judge will, in addition, be an experienced Competition Judge. The Chief Judge will have the final decision in the event of any ties. In addition to the judges there will be a Professional Scrutineer who ensures that the rules are complied with at all times.

7.2 Judging Activities

Judges will make their judging decisions as individuals. Judges will not confer over their decisions as a strong willed Judge might sway the decisions of other Judges. During the Competition itself the Judges will not enter into conversations with Competitors regarding the actual Judging of the Competition. They may, however, talk with Competitors about anything else. If Competitors would like to discuss the Judging they should speak to a Scrutineer.

7.3 Scrutineers

The Scrutineer's responsibilities are to ensure that the Judging Rules and Competition rules are adhered to on the day of the Competitions. If anyone has any concerns about Judging or other Competition activities on the day of the Competition they should speak to a Scrutineer. At all other times queries should be directed to the organisers.

7.4 Scorer and Assistant Scorer

The Scrutineer or Scorer will record the raw data and the assistant scorer will double-check the correct entry of this data. Once the data has been checked it will be posted on the Competitors Notice Board.

7.5 Influencing Judges

As the Judges are in close proximity to the audience during the heat it is important that members of the audience do not influence them unduly. It is up to the Scrutineer to ensure that this rule is not broken.
.6 Judge's Marking

At the end of each round Judges will have time to finalise and check their judging forms whilst the next round is being called to the floor and checked in. The Scrutineer/Scorer/Assistant Scorer will collect all the completed forms from the judges before the next round is started.

7.7 Anonymity of Judges (optional)

Some people consider that it is important that judges can make their decisions without fear of their decisions affecting relationships. Judges might be reluctant to mark friends low because they would upset their friends or high because this might be seen as biased judging between friends. Anonymity removes these considerations and leaves judges free to judge based on what they see in the competition.

However, there is also a school of thought that judges remaining anonymous removes transparency. A decision regarding this matter needs to be made, balancing the these two factors.

Once a decision has been made to make judging decisions anonymous, each judge will be allocated a number which will be used on all judging forms. The number for each judge will not be made available for competitors or the public, even when scores are publicised.

N.B. Any decision regarding anonymity of judges should be made well in advance of the competition to allow judging forms to be prepared accordingly.